When it comes to installing new metal gutters in Gaithersburg, you certainly aren’t hurting for options. Steel, aluminum and even copper are all effective solutions to your gutter installation needs. But which is the right choice? Follow along with our certified experts in finding the answer!

For superior, high-quality gutter installation in the Maryland, DC and Virginia areas, contact Shanco. Our specialists can bring the best service, skill and products to accomplish your every roofing project need!

Metal Gutters: The Options

When considering choosing metal for your gutter installation, you might be thinking that any metal is the same as the rest. Not at all true! Each type of metal brings unique advantages (and occasionally downsides). Really it’s less about which metal is the outright best, and more about which is the best to suit your specific needs. Steel 


Steel is a mainstay option, and is used in many U.S. homes. It boasts impressive resistance to damage from high winds and rain, and tends to perform for years without trouble. At Shanco, we can definitely recommend steel gutters and be sure that we’re giving our consumers a product that will perform well, and for a long time.

Steel is, however, not entirely impervious to rust (Unless the slightly more costly stainless steel is used). Additionally it doesn’t have a lot of options when it comes to color or style.

Aluminum Gutters:

Aluminum is naturally impervious to rust, lightweight and quite durable for its thickness. Additionally it is available in a very wide variety of styles and colors, giving a homeowner a lot more flexibility in matching to their home.

While durable, aluminum isn’t quite as sturdy as steel. Rain and wind are never an issue, but homes with potentially roof-antagonistic trees might want to be wary of choosing aluminum. Also, if you choose aluminum for your gutter installation, be sure to choose Primary Aluminum. Secondary aluminum is made with recycled materials, and tends to be slightly less durable.

Copper Gutters:

Copper gutters are strong, naturally resists rust (instead developing a patina; considered highly attractive by many homeowners), will not corrode and needs considerably less maintenance than most gutter types.

Wondering why not everyone chooses copper? Well, the appearance is beautiful, but it’s just not for everyone. Copper cannot be painted, and only comes in, well, copper. Additionally copper is particularly expensive, which tends to make it a less conventional option.

Perfect Gutter Installation With Shanco

Our certified roofing experts have been bringing our patrons the best in quality, service and products for years. If you’re considering a metal gutter installation for your home in Maryland, Virginia or DC, visit Shanco online today!